About Staci

Who am I? (If your mind went to Les Miz...we must meet). I love a lot. I'm kinda goofy. Nothing about me is perfect, but then I have learned to laugh and just go with it.  I feel like this is why documentary photography has been such a good fit for me, you capture it all and learn to love all the memories...not just the "perfect" ones. 

I am originally from the beautiful Pacific Northwest where it rains coffee and plaid flannel is used as currency. Not really...but I do love coffee! I now claim the South as my home. After 5 years living in the Mississippi Delta, I’m just now starting to get my feet planted in m beautiful, magical and sometimes perplexing place. 

I have myself a pretty great guy who keeps me well supplied with amazing coffee that he roasts locally (this is where I plug his business….check out Meraki Roasting Co. based in Clarksdale, MS). I have three sweet and crazy little boys that I love to death. My middle boy was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1), a genetic disorder with a myriad of symptoms ranging from learning disabilities to tumors covering the body.  


Thankfully, other than his short stature, he’s a healthy and vibrant young preschooler. NF awareness is close to my heart. So many children and adults are affected and yet so little of the population has heard of it let alone contributed to treatment and a cure. I hope to use my photography to bring awareness as well as fundraising. During the month of May, all profits from my print sales go to The Children’s Tumor Foundation.

Photography has been a way for me to connect with others as well as look inward. Everyone can see something different when they look through a lens. Photography can make you feel. It can make you think. It can instigate change. It can comfort. It can make you laugh and cry. It means all this to me an more. I have a documentary approach to my images, preferring authentic and real emotion and story. I love finding beauty in all those real moments that add up to what we call life.