Quarantine Life: Exploration Edition
One of my favorite things to do since moving to the Mississippi Delta is explore the various remote corners of the land here. While I still miss my mountains and lakes in the Pacific Northwest, the Delta has its own overwhelming beauty. And nothing makes me stop to take it in more than watching my boys interact with it. Sometimes it’s just me who goes and explores with my camera. Sometimes it’s just me and my boys and sometimes we all head out as a family. This day I had eyed a remote dirt road with a picturesque Missionary Baptist Church bordering a bayou and hauled the whole family out with me. The spring weather is perfect right now. Too cold for mosquito still but the sun warms you up just enough. An often short lived window here in the South ;)
When my husband and I first found out we were having a boy I remember telling him, “What do I do with a boy!? I grew up a girl…I know what girls like..but a boy!” He calmly reassured me, “Boys are easy. Just give them a big stick and tell them to go outside.” No truer words were spoken. So every time I see my boys discover a new wand or fishing pole or lightsaber….I just smile and my heart is full.